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School Messenger


SchoolMessenger and Classroom Messaging

SchoolMessenger is a web-based mass communications tool utilized by the district. The system enables the district and it's schools to notify and personally communicate parents/guardians to support emergency preparedness, school community involvement and student attendance.

The district utilizes voice, email and text messaging to communicate with parents/guardians. Recipients are contacted using contact information provided through your school's enrollment and Annual verification process.

SchoolMessenger's Classroom Messaging Module enables teachers to communicate directly with parents in their home language by sending pre-configured voice and email messages. At 6 PM each day, all of the comments for each student are compiled into a single message using the parent's preferred language, and distributed to the parents through a customizable email template and phone message.

If you are receiving calls and do not have any children in the district, please email the system administrator at If you are a parent and have questions or concerns about SchoolMessenger, first contact your school. 

Text Messaging

SchoolMessenger allows the district and school sites to send messages via phone, email and text message. The system is configured to send text messages to cell phone numbers in SchoolMessenger whose recipients have agreed to receive them.

Individuals will receive text messages ONLY if all three of the following requirements* are met:

  1. The individual opts-in.

  2. A cell phone number is on file with the district.

  3. The message sender includes content for a text message

*These requirements address any concerns related to the accuracy of the database and costs associated with receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions